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South Florida Woodworking Guild

By Laws

South Florida Woodworking Guild ByLaws


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be “South Florida Woodworking Guild” (the Guild), composed primarily of members from South Florida. It is not affiliated with any other organization.


Article II – Organization and Purpose

The goal of the Guild is the preservation of the art of fine woodworking. This objective will be pursued by maintaining a place where woodworkers in any endeavor can gain information, learn skills, exchange ideas, discuss problems, and enjoy the good fellowship associated with these goals. In addition, the Guild will seek to participate in charitable ventures and community events where members can utilize their woodworking skills to advantage others. Membership is open to all professionals and hobbyists with an interest in fine woodworking


Article III – Objectives

The objectives of the Guild shall be:

  1. To provide a meeting ground for those who are interested in woodworking of any type.
  2. To upgrade woodworking through education and communication.
  3. To conduct educational workshops, seminars, study trips, group study seminars in our area, and to broaden the members’ knowledge and experience in woodworking.
  4. To hold exhibits for educational purposes of woodworking produced by members.
  5. To hold or sponsor attendance at exhibits of woodworking for educational purposes.
  6. To work with other organizations to upgrade the status of and to enhance the image of woodworking.
  7. To conduct promotional activities such as advertising and publicity to benefit the Guild.
  8. To disseminate information of general interest to woodworkers in the fields of the arts, design, economics, business, and governmental relations, and to present a consensus of the members’ views on these and related subjects to other associations, the government, and the public.
  9. To award recognition for meritorious achievement in the field of woodworking.


Article IV – Basic Policies

  1. The Guild shall be a nonprofit organization.
  2. The name of the Guild or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the objective of the organization.


Article V – Membership and Dues

  1. Membership of this organization shall consist of persons interested in all aspects of woodworking and each of whom, upon accepting membership, thereby ratifies, accepts, and agrees to be bound in all things not contrary to law, by these bylaws and those of the State of Florida, and to observe faithfully the provision thereof.
  2. The three membership classifications shall be:
    1. Individual membership
    2. Business membership (one person only)
    3. Honorary membership
  3. Dues shall be paid annually. The annual dues of the Guild shall be set annually by majority vote of its members.
  4. All dues collected and other income of the Guild must be used for the purpose of the Guild and shall not be to benefit of any individual member.


Article VI – Officers

  1. The officers of the Guild shall be President, Vice-President, and Treasurer, and Secretary.
  2. Election of these officers shall take place every two years no later than the November meeting. Officers shall assume their official duties the first day of January following their election. Officers may serve without term limits, pending continuing approval by election process.
  3. In addition to the slate of officers provided by the nominating committee, nominations shall be made from the floor provided the consent of each candidate has been obtained.
  4. Voting shall be by voice provided there is not more than one candidate for each office. If there is more than one candidate for any office, voting must be by written ballot and the candidate receiving the most votes is elected.
  5. A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice-President for the unexpired term. If the Vice-President is unable to serve in the office of the President, the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining member of the Executive Committee, due notice of each election having been given. A vacancy in office, except that of president, shall be filled by the Executive Committee for the unexpired term.
  6. The President shall appoint and the members shall approve the two former presidents that have the most seniority as members to serve as voting members of the Executive Committee. The voting officers will serve at least one but not more than three year terms.


Article VII – Officer Duties

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Guild and of the Executive Committee and shall be authorized to sign all checks in the absence of the Treasurer. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees and perform such duties as belong to the office.
  2. The Vice-President shall serve as an aide to the President, perform the duties of the President in the absence of that officer and perform such other duties as may be delegated including keeping a record of all meetings.
  3. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Guild and keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall present a statement of account at every meeting of the Guild and when requested by the Executive Board, and submit a complete financial report no later than the December meeting.
  4. The Secretary shall: take meeting minutes at all meetings and share with the officers after approval by membership; distribute and collect new member forms, maintain guild roster and update and maintain social media such as MeetUp.  The updated roster should be distributed to the Executive Committee.


Article VIII – Meetings

  1. Regular meeting of the Guild shall be held monthly.
  2. The privilege of holding office, making motions, debating, and voting shall be limited to Individual Members and Business Members of the Guild whose dues are not in arrears.
  3. One-third of the paid membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business in any meeting the Guild.


Article IX – Tool Sales

  1. If a member wants to advertise a tool for sale over the membership email it will be free (email the President first).
  2. For any tools sold during a Guild meeting, the Guild takes 20% of the proceeds.
  3. If a member wishes to give away tools or supplies at the meeting, they should approach the President or Treasurer first. A price will be set for the items and all the proceeds will go to the Guild.


Article X – Committees

  1. Standing Committees
    Such standing committees may be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee as may be required to promote the objects and interests of the Guild.
  2. Special Committees
    A special committee is created and appointed by the President or by direction of the general membership for a specific purpose. When its work is done or its final report is accepted or adopted, it automatically goes out of existence.
  3. The Executive Committee
    The Executive Committee shall consist of the current three elected officers plus the two former presidents with the most Guild tenure. Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held as needed prior to regular Guild meetings.
  4. The Nominating Committee
    The Nominating Committee shall consist of three volunteers’ members selected from the floor at the October meeting. This committee shall prepare a slate for the election of officers having first obtained the consent of those to be nominated.
  5. The Ethics Committee
    The Ethics Committee shall consist of the past presidents and shall review and make recommendation to the Executive Committee.


Article XI – Parliamentary Authority

Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern the Guild in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these bylaws.

 Article XII – Amendments

  1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Guild by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at which a quorum is present. The notice of any proposed amendments shall be given at the previous meeting and a copy of the proposed changes presented to the membership prior to the meeting at which the voting takes place.
  2. A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for the existing bylaws only by a majority vote at a meeting of the Guild, or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. The requirement for the adoption of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.


Article XIII – Dissolution

  1. All liabilities and obligation of the Guild shall be paid, satisfied and discharged, or adequate provisions shall be made thereof.
  2. Assets held by the Guild upon condition requiring return, transfer or conveyance, which condition occur by reason of the dissolution, shall be returned, transferred, or conveyed in accordance with such requirements.
  3. Any standing assets shall be distributed among such charities as may be designated by the Executive Committee.


Standing Rules

A.  Membership

  1. Membership fees shall be payable at the January meeting and shall be considered delinquent after the March meeting. New members joining the Guild January through June will pay full a membership fee; those joining in July through December will pay a $20.00 membership fee.
  2. Membership fees shall be as follows:
         a. Individual member: $50.00 annually
         b. Business member: $50.00 annually
         c. Honorary members: Charlie Womack, Way Hoyt
  3. Guests are welcome to attend up to two free meetings. After that, it is hoped they will join the Guild, pay the membership fee and enjoy the full benefits of the Guild membership including the Guild newsletter, Guild discounts at participating merchants and the Guild library.


B.  Ethics
All members are bound by the Code of Ethics as contained herein.

C. Reports and Records
The financial records of the Guild shall be kept on a calendar basis, January 1 through December 31.

D. Amendments
These standing rules may be amended by majority of the voters at any meeting wherein there is a quorum.

E. Library
Tapes from our Guild video tape, book, and miscellaneous equipment library will be on display at each meeting. Members may check these out for a period of one month. A sign-in and sign-out sheet or other similar record will be provided for checking tapes in and out of the library. Members must replace any tapes that are lost or damaged during their checkout period. Tapes will be kept at the Woodcraft Supply Corporation unless otherwise directed by the President. The President shall appoint a librarian to implement these rules and oversee the library and will serve until a replacement is appointed.


Code of Ethics


  • To promote a climate of genuine respect, mutual cooperation, and friendship among all members.
  • To seek and maintain associations with fellow members for the purpose of creating a friendly atmosphere in which the free exchange of opinions, ideas, and knowledge will be mutually enjoyable.
  • To understand the necessity for cooperation among all members, students, teachers, shop owners, authors, publishers, manufacturers, and distributors; recognizing the diversity of philosophies, woodworking methods, techniques and media which make the Guild unique.
  • To maintain the highest standard of honesty and to assure that all promotion and advertising shall be free of claims which are false, misleading, or disparaging of others.
  • To recognize that the primary purpose of the Guild’s emblem is to promote or stimulate interest in the art of woodworking, and that the use of the emblem reflects the reputation of the Guild itself.
  • To be aware of and comply with all copyright laws both as they pertain to the misuse of woodwork created by another and as they pertain to the reproduction of patterns, drawings, book, designs, and all published materials.
  • To conduct myself with courtesy, thoughtfulness, and fairness to others.
  • To accept any certification or reward conferred on me by the guild with a sense of appreciation and responsibility.
  • To adhere faithfully to this Code of Ethics and by good example inspire my fellow members to do likewise.

March 2020