The Veterans Urn Project

The URN Project
The South Florida Woodworking Guild hand crafts beautiful solid hardwood urns for veterans who are unclaimed in local funeral homes throughout South Florida. In cooperation with the Missing in America Project, a national non-profit org, we provide the urns we make to ensure that as unclaimed veterans cremains are discovered and interred, there is a suitable dignified vessel to house the cremains.
This project ensures a dignified, honorable interment for forgotten veterans, that they are honored for their service and thus ensuring that they are not forgotten.
All of the labor and skill is provided by volunteers of the guild and in partnership with the Gold Coast Woodturners club. Guild members generously donate their time and workshops to craft these fine urns. This project however, requires much in the way of lumber, glue, finish, emblems and the specialized tools to build the urns. It is through generous donations that we are able to fund the project. If you would like to make a donation, please send your cheque, payable to SFWG to:
3907 Lymestone Drive
Hollywood. FL. 33026
Or make a donation via PayPal with the note containing “Urn Fund” to:

Interment Ceremonies:
Stuart Muncer (954) 495-1976
PurcHase An URN
We are often asked if the urns we make are for sale, the fact is we make them available to those interested, in return we ask for a donation to support the urn project.